Bolsa de Santiago
Corporation listed on Bolsa de Santiago
- Authorities
- Main products and markets
- Main shareholders
- Brokerage firms
- Trading hours
- Market data
- Market capitalization split by economic sector
- Brief history
- Organization chart
- Financial indicators
- Clearing, settlement and depositary services
- Central counterparty - CCP
- Member of the following organizations
- Agreements with other Exchanges

Juan Andrés Camus Camus - Chairman
Juan Andrés Camus Camus
Eduardo Muñoz Vivaldi
Board of Directors
Roberto Belchior
Antonio Castilla
Fernando Larrain Cruzat
Jaime Larrain Vial
Rodrigo Manubens Moltedo
Paula Valenzuela Peña
Óscar von Chrismar Carvajal
Enrique Marshall Rivera
Jorge Quiroz Castro
General Manager or CEO
José Antonio Martínez Zugarramurdi
Bandera Esquina Moneda, La Bolsa 64,
Santiago de Chile, Chile
Phone: (562) 2399-3000
Main products and markets
- Shares
- Investment fund units
- Fixed income
- Short-term debt instruments
- Currencies (gold, dollar)
- Foreign equities
- Venture Market
- Derivatives Market
Main shareholders
The principal shareholders of Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago are the stockbrokers who are members of the Exchange.Brokerage firms
www.bolsadesantiago.com/corredoresTrading hours
(IRF-IIF: Corporate Bonds, Bank/Central Bank Bonds, Notes, and Time Deposits)
Market data
(Additional information at www.fiabnet.org)
Market capitalization split by economic sector
Organization chart

Financial indicators

Clearing, settlement and depositary services
The Clearing House system allows for clearing and settlement of orders executed in fixed income and money market instruments with T+0 and T+1 settlement terms, additionally to simultaneous transactions (Repos) with a T+0 settlement term. Arranged in accordance with order execution, this system consists of the following processes: automated order entry; online netting; order allocation; collateral calculation; order acceptance; settlement hedging; settlement supplement; settlement verification; ordinary trade settlement and extraordinary trade settlement.
Central counterparty - CCP
The Central Counterparty system allows for clearing and settlement of orders executed in equity instruments with T+2 settlement term, and orders executed in fixed income instruments with T+1 settlement term.
The clearing and settlement procedure designed for equity instruments is equal to the one defined above, except for the fact that, during order acceptance, CCLV irrevocably becomes creditor and debtor of the rights and obligations deriving from the clearing orders that are accepted by the system.
Clearing and settlement of profits or losses originating from orders executed in derivative instruments include the following processes: order entry, registration, and acceptance; order clearing; intraday order valuation; and order settlement.
Member of the following organizations
- Federación Iberoamericana de Bolsas (FIAB) – 1973
- World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) – 1991
- Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) – 2014
Agreements with other Exchanges
- Bolsas de México, Sao Paulo, and Buenos Aires – 1991 – Information sharing agreement.
- Bolsa de Madrid – 2005 – Coordination agreement.
- Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, and BM&FBOVESPA – 2007 – Integration agreements on mechanisms for mutual recognition of securities listings within the framework for consolidation of the FIAB-led project.
- Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago (with DCV S.A.), and Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (with INDEVAL S.A.) – 2008 – Formal consensus on willingness to work for implementation of mechanisms enabling integration of their capital markets.
- DCV S.A., Bolsa de Valores de Colombia – DECEVAL, and Bolsa de Valores de Lima – CAVALI S.A. – 2010 – Integrated market model – phase 1 implementation agreement.
- Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, and Bolsa de Valores de Lima – 2010 – MILA (Latin-American Integrated Market) origination agreement.
- Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago, and BM&FBOVESPA – 2010 – Joint operation strategic agreement providing connectivity between both Exchanges. It also includes BM&FBOVESPA’s support and cooperation for development of the Chilean derivatives market.
- Bolsa de Santiago & TSXV – 2014 – Joint operation where is born the Venture Market of Santiago Stock Exchange. The duble listing in the Santiago Exchange Venture will allow listed companies in TSXV not only connect with Chilean investros, but also with the investment community in Colombia, Mexico and Peru through the Mercado Integrado Latinoamericano (MILA), who is part of the markets of this countries.
- Bolsa de Santiago and S&P Dow Jones Index (“S&P DJI”) launches the first sustainability index in Chile -2015-, under the name Dow Jones Sustainability™ Chile Index (DJSI Chile Index). Is the first in its type using the calculus methodology of Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the first to use IPSA basis.
- MOU is signed with Korea Stock Exchange -2015-, with a strong focus on the development of new investment instruments for the local market.